Friday, March 12, 2010

The day I shaved and pierced my pussy.

I had a large black tom cat named Set. He liked to fight. He was a big wussy boy and I had to deal with the results of the fights because I was poor.

I noticed that he had developed a cyst on his front leg. I knew what had to be done but I was not about to waste another $170 on the bastard.

I have had to do this once before but I thought that this time I should not be a wee bit tipsy when I had to use sharp objects. I go about gathering all that I need:

exacto knife.....check
alcohol (not to drink)....check
razor that I won't shave my legs with...check
cotton balls sans blood....check
strong stomach....check

I gather the kitty in a towel, a sort of kitty bondage, and threw one over his face. I hear a low mew which came from the pits of hell, I attempt to ignore it. I grab the razor and start to shave him. He doesn't like that. I didn't like that razor either, Mr. Set. I think he is worried the other Tom cats will make fun of him...poor kitty. So sorry to have dented your ego. I expose the nasty bit and pierce it with the knife. Once again, Set is not having a good time but I am oddly enough.

I adjust the towels because I like having my skin in one piece.

I, for lack of a better term, milk the wound. It is definitely an eww, gross, cool moment. Anyone that has picked a zit will know this moment.

Set is still not happy but at least I don't have to take him to the vet. I now have a freshly shorn pussy that is a bit nasty smelling.

Ok, now that that is done where are those female cats I needed to get fixed.

Here kitty, kitty.....

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