Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Catherine the Great of Russia kept her wig maker in an iron cage in her bedroom for more than three years.

Why? Did she smell bad? I would have hated to be the royal hair remover, Catherine would have kept me in the crapper.

I like Dolly's quote better.

“How long does it take to do your hair?” Answer: “I don't know – I'm never there. I've got more important things to do.”


I had a call once, I took it over. I was on this stupid call with her for over 4 hours.

I learned about her chickens, geese, crops, and the annual rainfall on her side of the Hawaii island.

I also found out that she was expecting baby goats.

I finally figure out her problem was her date and time on the computer are like 5 years in the past.

Yeah that does cause major problems. So, I fess up to her that I am an idiot and her problem is she is living in 2003. She decides it wasn't my fault and names a goat after me.

So there, have you had a goat named after you because of your job? Yeah, didn't think so.

Ping Pong Balls

Ping Pong Balls

So me and the Co-Workers were having a conversation on how many Ping Pong Balls a woman can fight in her vagina.

Me – “3. 4 is too many and 5 is right out.

CW1 – “nah, I say 5.”

Me – “ I have a vagina and I still don’t think you can comfortable walk around with more than 3 in your whoha.”

CW2 – “I just don’t think this is a question that has an answer. It is the ultimate riddle.”

Me – spots Cock Rocket- “Hey CR, how many ping pong balls can you fit in a vagina.”

CR – “7.”

All of us had no response because Cock Rocket said so, it must be true.


That's what she said...


The other day I was thinking about the health benefits of toilet paper consumption, guess you can stay healthy with Charmine.

Megan Fox Turns Down Next Tomb Raider! |

Megan Fox Turns Down Next Tomb Raider! |

Is that because it would require her to learn how to act? You can't smoke weed and do that much cardio.

I don't think the hydro market in Cali can take the hit. hahahahahah

Woot! Excitement


Can't wait!

How come it wasn't until my 30's that I discovered movie time vodka in the drink cup? I think I'm a drinking Retard.

Woot! Excitement

Kal Penn Returns From White House to Another ‘White Castle’ Stoner Sequel –

"New Line has set a summer start date on the third installment of the Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle franchise, with the Warner Bros-based company about to hire a director, and seriously considering doing the film in 3D. The film is Christmas-themed, giving Warner Bros a nice R-rated holiday release for 2011 or 2012."

I'm saw this and did the Dance of the Fruit Fly.

Co-Worker Awesomeness

Co-Worker walks up with a cell phone she found in the bathroom. She shows me the picture of the person titled "MOM". It was a woman with long dark hair.

CW- "You know her?"

Me - "No, but she looks like she has a big butt."

We found the owner. He looks like a troll. Just goes to prove there is someone out there for everyone.

She's just bein' Miley...

"Girlfriend gets TORN TO SHREDS!

A critic for The New York Times says:

'Acting, for the moment at least, seems almost entirely beyond her…she pouts, slouches, storms in and out of rooms and occasionally cracks a snaggle-toothed smile, but most of the time she seems to be mugging for the camera, play-acting rather than exploring the motives and feelings of her character.'

And that's kind, compared to The New York Post:

'Cyrus makes the most dubious 'dramatic' debut of any singer since Britney Spears.'

And The Village Voice gets the nastiest dig in with:

'I can't recall ever squirming as much as I did during Ronnie and Will’s first kiss; shiny, buff Liam Hemsworth looks like he's locking lips with an Andy Hardy–era Mickey Rooney in a wig.'"

HAhahhahahahhahh! No, really, I am shocked. Shocked they didn't mention Mariah Carey in that hideous Glitter. Or J-Lo in Gigli. Paris Hilton. Eeek! I am going into overload.

Can someone please make the Pre-Pubes stop watching this crap?


This isn’t Copper, but it is a fair look-a-like of what he was. Copper is my friend Daydah’s dog.

One day, I get a call from Daydah. She says that she decided to take Copper to See Nature. I thought she was saying she took him out to the woods and left him but no, she took him to a cabin in the woods. Some friends were having a screening of an illegal movie and thought it would be a GREAT idea to bring the dogs to play with each other.

Copper was a sweet and innocent dog, until that day. Through the tears, Daydah goes on to tell me that the Pugs really liked Copper and took him out to play in the backyard. As they were watching the crappy version of the movie, they hear a cry, thinking it was the movie, everyone ignores the cry.

After 15 minutes of incessant crying, Daydah decides to investigate. The Pugs had decided to pin their tail on the Copper. That poor dog was getting gang banged by 4 male Pugs.

Saddest part was he changed. No longer could you cuddle with the poor dog. Oh, no, he was renamed Jizz Master (Orgazmo). His perpetual crusty coat takes away from the cuteness. Any male, not female, dog that would come (excuse the pun) in the vicinity would cause the dog to reenact that scene with Laura Croft in Grandma’s boy.

Copper looks like this now to me.

Co-Worker Awesomeness

Me (female): "It's none of your business...."

CW (male): "Yeah, well I can pee standing up."

Point taken.

Co-Worker Awesomeness

"Don't steal from the pregnant woman. They will stab you as you tech."

Ways to prevent people from eating your food:

  • Label it (yeah right)
  • Spit in it and label it (works better)
  • Put a set of Billy-bob teeth in the food (guarantee no touchy)


THE WEEKLY VICE: "Kingsport, TN (The Weekly Vice) - Daniel Lee, a 22-year-old Tennessee man was arrested Friday after he allegedly ran butt naked through a grocery store wearing nothing but a rubber mask."

Why couldn't something like that happen when I was working retail? I can totally see me smacking them with a disco skate when I was the skater at Sam's Club.


I like playing small practical jokes. Like this one time, the sausage, left an ice cream box in the fridge, empty. I put it under his pillow, this went back and forth for about 6 months.

I found a new thing. I have this old black wig. I put it in his pillow.

I was minding my own business and he walks in the room with the wig. I died. He stalked me and made me touch the wig. It was nasty but I was paralyzed by the giggles that assailed me.

Guess I shouldn't do that to the Kid. He might pee himself and never use pillow cases. Nope, can't risk that.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Co-Worker Awesomeness

"That man has caused many a Date Rape Shower."

That's What She Said

"Oh damn! it's too large...."

I heart tech support, they shout things out without thinking all the time.

Dream Jobs

My friend wants to be a Firefighting Astronaut. I think that is awesome.

Yeah, I had a Vette

As sad as it is to say, to date, this has been my most reliable car.


OMG look at the difference!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hey Guys!

Gonin' to the Salt River...yeah...Salt River Recreation.

Woot! Yeah it's that time of year, I get a trip together for some good ole fashion red-neckin'.

I plan on videotaping certain portions. I hope this year to get a large group of men to act like fools.

I like hanging out with drunk college kids. They are better than the mom and dads there, they hate me. I am the anti-mom.

Picture is not me. If you want to visualize me in the tube, think of the lady from the Progressive commercial Flo.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


When requesting another person go smoke with me, I will typically yell “Yoko!?!” and then I wait for a response of “Ono!” Walking in an electronics store, calling my friend to leave, I yell “Yoko!?!” but I didn’t see the little Asian family in front of me. The lady turned around. Maybe I shouldn’t do that in public.


You have to have the dedication to do any degree. If you find excuses it is because you don’t want to do it bad enough. Quit bitching when you are stuck in your job forever.


Why do new boss think they are going to change everything and make it work? Just because you get a department, it doesn’t mean we won’t hate you any less than we did the last one we MADE quit. Good luck Milk Toast, you have a really shitty stall to clean out.

My department is like a hottie, someone somewhere is sick of putting up with their shit and moved on and there was a reason for it.

Why I wish that my work was like Vegas

All dark windows, no clocks, and happy drunk faces.

I have a chance of winning more money in one pull of a slot than I do all day here.

There would always be fresh, non-vended food is an easy to manage buffet style setup.

Shrimp, all you CAN eat shrimp!!!

Everyday could be CARNIVAL!

Scantily clad nubile bodies and not sweaty depressing tech zombies cracked out on Dr. Pepper and Funyons.

I would say “readily available weed”, but this is tech support, that already happens here. Maybe more appropriately, I would enjoy my job and the vending machine food would entice me more.

Prostitutes. Real honest to goodness hookers. Not just managers getting on their knees for free.

Non-stop drink service for free.

Bonuses for just showing up. Double bonuses on Seniors’ Day.

No animals allowed. Come on, right now I work one step above monkeys. Nah, monkeys are better behaved in captivity, even when rabid.

Words you don’t want to hear when you’re single

“Really? Shocking.”

“Oh well, that’s too bad. There is someone out there for everyone.”

“I’m certain the circus is in town, you could try there.”

Co-Worker Awesomeness

“When did that happen, ok, let me hand in my NERD card.”

What I Learned


Slipped disks


‘This is your new tool. Answer: “You’re a new tool.”

Shooting, Suicide, Hunting, Hammer Induced Head Trauma, Cannibals, Holocausts, Gun Caliber Sizes and Home Invasions are not topics that should be discussed in training. Even when the trainer is the main participant.

Why do guys have this fascination with American Psycho? I think I am starting to judge people by if they like it or not. And if you bitch about it, let me state for the record, Christian Bale sux.I really hate that the summer is coming. Do you have any idea what 150 trolls in one hot room smells like? If not, for the sake of the children, don’t come to a computer store in Arizona in the summer. There is no amount of cooling that can fend off the after effects of Axe Body Spray and Cheese Steak.

Being a computer nerd and seeing Click, I find myself disillusioned. I want a remote that speeds up time and mutes people. And damnit, I was promised a flying car. I see no flying cars.

“If you want it both ways, you have to suck it up.”

Why does the term “Secret Word’ sound so dirty? It was really gross to hear that come out of Banjo Boy.

I found out Banjo Boy’s initials were B.J., he didn’t like having me giggle in front of the class. Everytime that he would say “Tool”, I would giggle and say under my breath, “You’re a tool.” It kept me amused for the day.

The most stupid argument I have heard today:

2010 being stated as year “o-10” and not Zero Ten or just Ten. Then it devolved into you can’t call 2009, “o-9”. The argument lasted for ten minutes. I want my ten minutes back. Here is what I could have been doing with my time: Ice Sculpting, Gyno Exam, Cure Cancer, Cause Cancer or Club a Baby Seal.

Why do men think they are “hotter”, and act like a total cock rocket when they are already balding and shave their head? What’s worse are the guys that aren’t going bald doing the same exact thing. Tools, they are all Tools.

Half The Effort

If you lose 300 calories during sex, would you lose 150 during masturbation?

“What are you doing this weekend?”


“Why? Is your internet down?”


Geek Concerto: When trainers switch positions in a class.

Geek Central: Legal smoking corner or bench. Note: not truly a geek unless there is a portable techie device is attached to their person.

Co-Worker Awesomeness

So a Neanderthal Ice Man was fixing the ice machine, the motion that he was using is most commonly seen in gay bondage porns.

NIM: You need some water, I’ll move.

CW: No, that’s ok, I like watching you work. (Giggle)

Ice Man goes back to happily pounding the line.

Co-Worker Awesomeness

Him – “I went for that twice; I really should have shot myself in the foot.”

Me – “Why didn’t you?”

Him – “Hey, that’s not nice”

Me – “If I’m meaner will it make you do it finally? This time Aim Higher.”

Gross Things

Meth Mouth

Sucking Snot

Rubbing your nose repeatedly when making a presentation.

When a person is talking, you see the spit stream in their mouth, like they are salivating and gonna eat ya.

Sitting at someone else’s cube and feeling the crumbs of a long lost taco in the keyboard.

Getting a cup of ice from the company ice machine and finding a family of roaches living in the ice bin.

Hosting the company potluck, picking up the borrowed clean crockpot from a co-worker and finding numerous roaches in the equipment bag. Having to keep my mouth shut when people ate food she cooked.


Men are stupid. I think some of them just like listening to themselves, that is why they turn into trainers. The perfect job for most of them would be talking to a window. They would get the same results as if there were real people there. I am sure they could even win an argument.

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton:


Buhahahahahahaahahahahha! Now I want a machete too.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Truth about Arpaio

Sheriff Arpaio, County Attorney Thomas are 'evil,' Stapley says:

"Supervisor Don Stapley called Arpaio and Thomas 'evil.' He said their power is enormous and when misused can bring about harm."

I hope Don wins his case.

Six-year-old Chinese boy with 31 fingers and toes has extra digits removed through surgery

Six-year-old Chinese boy with 31 fingers and toes has extra digits removed through surgery

Me: and you know the reason ya? do ya?

CW: why?

Me: Cuz their Chinese and aren't allowed more than one child and they were screaming at him throughout the pregnancy "There can be only ONE." And watched Highlander on repeat.

Highlander is the leading cause of death in Scotland, second only to Whiskey you know.

Co-Worker Awesomeness

CW with big Koi fish on arm for no reason: "Vindication!!"

Me: Still not an excuse for that fish tattoo.

CW: Was that a stab at my artistic expression?"

Me: No, your taste.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Co-Worker Awesomeness

cw1-I miss all of them...

cw2- All of them?

cw1- Yeah all of them at once.

cw2- sounds sticky.

Co-Worker Awesomeness

"I'm just saying, I KNOW how to eat a box of candies."

Co-Worker Awesomeness

cw1- I wasn't in management, per se... I was pretending.

cw2- Honey, they are all pretending.

Monday, March 22, 2010


"Don't lose your Inner Tech light."

Bad calls always end good, with a dial tone.

Work Convo

how did that get fixed so fast

it was most likely a glitch

yeah thats it

hmm interesting

cookie or server don't know

maybe the hamster had hiccups


or we upgraded to a brigade of gerbils

Lol imagine the smell!

Its no fun when It becomes zookeeping lol

what that is different than "hot summer tech"

i zoo keep now

ewww so gross

and true...

you haven't been married to that smell

i divorced it

upgraded to euro trash

smells much cleaner

no thankfully I married something pretty smelling... but it ended the same lol

bet it dresses better too

hehe sorry

I m not

new one is macy's to walmart


I dont doubt it, I decided to take the journey from walmart to Stash myself... it is an interesting trip

nice :0

lol that reminds me of browsing around some dating site somewhere and reading a profile that said "if you buy your clothes where you buy your toilet paper dont bother messaging me"

i like that

if you don't own a car you will not be going out with me

lol hell yes

every bad relationship started that way and tequilla

Girls who cant drive are the bane of my relationship past as well


apache junction has alot of those

i used to employ them

it sux

It is a rule, girls do not get date without job, vehicle, intelligence, sense of humor ,and ability to wear makeup without looking like a clown... I ahve been told for a man I am very picky.

that is not picky

that is maintained

you are not in the outer congo

they made bic for a reason

another stalker

She found me on facebook.

She was the security guard at my old building a year ago.

She wants a Scarlett skin too. I would be too big on her.

smell like a cell block

OH NO THEY DIDN'T.: "Akon launched his newest fragrance: Konvict and word has it that the packaging created controversial buzz in the online media.
We’ll leave the judgement to you:

Konvict Homme, for men, is really masculine and has touches of bergamot, lemon, sandalwood and cedar. While Konvict Femme, for women, offers a fresher and fruitier scent with fresh lemon, mandarin, vanila and almond musk. Each fragrance pack contains two bottles connected by a chain, forming a set of handcuffs, each measured at 1.7 oz eau de parfum, totaling in 3.8 oz of Konvict freshness. You can start smelling Konvict-good by shelling out $41.95, good enough a price for spicing up your daily life."

Friday, March 19, 2010

Co-Worker Awesomeness

CW1: "this is me writing."
CW2: "this is me doing a voice over of you writing."

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bad day at the Brothel

These weren't flames of passion.

The Swiss daily Blick reported that a fire in an apartment used for transsexual prostitution forced a naked Swiss man onto a window ledge.

Firefighters rushed to the scene and put out the flames, but not before the man was photographed in all his glory against the modern building.

Worse, from the man's point of view, Blick printed the photograph on Tuesday and quoted Markus Melzl from the Basel prosecutor's office as saying the apartment was used for the sex business.

The 33-year-old man was hospitalised after the fire on Monday afternoon, according to the paper. It said he was released that evening with light burns.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

St. Patty's day

Co-worker: Hey is St. Patrick's a holiday.

Me: (giggle) (laugh) No. St. Patrick's day is not a company approved holiday.

CW: But we're in the United States and we celebrate all sorts of crap. Why not that?

Me: But they only celebrate getting drunk. No one was birthed or assassinated for green beer. Maybe caused birth...i digress.

CW: It's still a valid question you know.

Sung to the Enrique Iglesias Hero

"i am your hero baby, i took away the pain

i turned off the freaking IPS, you can thank me another day. I am your hero..".

Written for co-worker Butters.

I am really hoping it gets stuck in his head....and yours too.


I recommend Free Style Iraq and Fit for Duty. Bring beer.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Blind chickens

“clinic employee scans his eyes using a handheld camera. Within seconds, the camera reads his iris patterns, and a computer locates his medical record.

What happens when you don’t have eyes?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

San Diego Trip Planning

I plan everything. Not anal retentively like well....I won't mention names. So anyway, everyone wants to go to San Diego. Mainly because there is a beach, Navy Base (seamen) and cheap hotels.

Am I crazy for wanting to go with my 2 gf's (ns), the Polish Sausage, and 2 bachelors? It will be fun as long as everyone has their meds.

I keep telling them that I will plan, just tell me when you can go.

We'll see if they keep up their side of it. I wanna see seamen...again. Oh and another Rasta so I can another picture to my collection. The like to pose with the hair, I feel the same.

No walkers on the Roller floor.

Hey lady with the bright yellow hair, walking around the skaterink. I am going to hit you. When I do, I am going to stomp on your apple head. Why were you walking, there wasn't a kid around you. If you need to walk to help them, they SHOULDN'T be skating. Pansy.

I saw a pimp. Ok, actually a P.I.M.P. He was hella dressed. He had a scarf. I helped him put it back on his shoulder. He liked me alot after that. He can be Pimp Stalker if I see him again.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Other uses for a Forty

I was driving to work and saw a crackhead on a bike.

There was something catching my attention. Was it his perfect acne? Or maybe the Skull and Cross bones tatoo that is now looking like fat speghetti on your arm? No, I got it. It's the forty ounce beer can that is so perfectly clasped in the water bottle container on your stolen boys' bike.

Good for you, desperate crackhead, that you are so ingenious with your booze at 8am.

Double fist pump for the mullet there Cletus.

Creepy drunk guy at 7-11

Why do I have a magnet located in my body that attracts drunk people?

Why does it always happen to me that I mind my own business, I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to hear about your problems. I don't know you. Your petty meaningless life should not interfere with my getting a Big Gulp. Your breath stinks and your weird eye is creeping me out. Go away. No, you don't want to go away do you? You would rather unload your crackhead baggage on an unsuspecting victim. Do you really need to stand near me? I can smell everything you have eaten in the past 3 years, oh look, I can see what you have eaten in the remaining 3 teeth you have.

Follow up to Drunk man the next day.....he was beat up outside of his luxurious Budget Suite or as I like to call it "Crystal Palace".

According to him, "they took everything." What was that Jethro? Did they take your latest copy of Wraslin' Monthly or that BMX bike you stole off the 8 year old that you use to transverse from your palatial "estate"?

Maybe you should lay off the bottle and the crackpipe, take a shower, visit with a toothbrush and leave innocent by-standers alone.

Husbands, what he isn't good for...absolutely nothing, let me say it again...

If you are going to tell me that you are going to clean up at least make a half assed attempt. By the time that I get home I would like you to have at least found the source of that smell, I am not talking rocket science here.

Oh, and while you are at it, could you take a shower? I think I found the source of that god-awful smell.

How come fat men tend to smell worse then skinny ones? Is it that you can't reach certain areas? Do you lose the soap in there? Should I feel sorry for you, man, for whom the idea of actual exercise causes riotous laughter in the immediate vecinity? Do you know that I giggle a little everytime you say that you have lost weight? How can you tell that you lost weight, are things revealing themselves to you that you haven't seen in eons?

It is sad that you are so big that you do "sweat the small stuff". Small stuff like walking to the kitchen or getting up to change the game you are know, the important stuff.

The day I shaved and pierced my pussy.

I had a large black tom cat named Set. He liked to fight. He was a big wussy boy and I had to deal with the results of the fights because I was poor.

I noticed that he had developed a cyst on his front leg. I knew what had to be done but I was not about to waste another $170 on the bastard.

I have had to do this once before but I thought that this time I should not be a wee bit tipsy when I had to use sharp objects. I go about gathering all that I need:

exacto knife.....check
alcohol (not to drink)....check
razor that I won't shave my legs with...check
cotton balls sans blood....check
strong stomach....check

I gather the kitty in a towel, a sort of kitty bondage, and threw one over his face. I hear a low mew which came from the pits of hell, I attempt to ignore it. I grab the razor and start to shave him. He doesn't like that. I didn't like that razor either, Mr. Set. I think he is worried the other Tom cats will make fun of him...poor kitty. So sorry to have dented your ego. I expose the nasty bit and pierce it with the knife. Once again, Set is not having a good time but I am oddly enough.

I adjust the towels because I like having my skin in one piece.

I, for lack of a better term, milk the wound. It is definitely an eww, gross, cool moment. Anyone that has picked a zit will know this moment.

Set is still not happy but at least I don't have to take him to the vet. I now have a freshly shorn pussy that is a bit nasty smelling.

Ok, now that that is done where are those female cats I needed to get fixed.

Here kitty, kitty.....

Hollywood Gossip is interfering with my life.

I admit it. I am addicted to salacious Hollywood gossip. The juicier and more obscure the better.

I must have spent a good 6 hours yesterday trolling for my smack. I had to take a nap I was so tired. I didn't get much work done, not that that matters at all.

Do they have a 12 step program for the love/hate relationship I am having with the whole TOM/KAT situation. Do you know what the TOM/KAT situation is? If you do, maybe we need to start that support group.

Why is Jessica being a coke head so interesting and suprising to me? Aren't they all addicted or contracting something?

Is Angelina really pregnant and does Brad really have a small man part?

I can see myself in a trendy coffee shop, like they use for NARC ANON; I figure if we were at a trendy coffee shop, the worst gossip rag I would find there is the latest edition of gay phone directory. With my head bowed in anticipation of the moment when I can raise my head and state "Hi, my name is Scarlett and I am addicted to having the latest and most titilating gossip on the likes of Brad, Angelina, Tom and Katie." All my GSSP ANON friends will compassionately answer back and make me feel welcomed. They will know the thirst and drive that makes me go to the National Enquirer website or read MSNBC's Scoop every week.

Ok, I feel better now that I have confessed....I need a hit now.

How are you going to Hell today?

Why I am going to hell...I make fun of people...alot. I love to go to the mall, especially at Christmas, and watch the freaks. You know the ones I am talking about, hell you may have been that person, but what I am about to say is pure and unadulterated honesty. Admit it, you dress like that so that I can make fun of you. You there with your 50,000 earrings and that is just the ones that I can see, is that a badge that says, I am too cool to get my ass kicked? And you, girl that can't be older then my last pair of running shoes...You need to eat a sammich and a pie. I don't think your mother would like the way you are hanging on that punk reject with the ultra tight "don't-look-at-my-lack- of-goodies" pants.

What is up with those pants? Did they not see that even the Heavy Metal hair bands gave them up? Oh, and that Mohawk, that so says "touch me" ok, maybe not touch me, more like "Hit me with a pail of water and watch me scream like a girl". That would be fun.

Another example of why I am going to hell happened with my friend Dayda. That will be her name here. Pronounced DAY-DUH. Say it a few times, it's catchy. Ok so anyway, I am going to hell because I made fun of her 5 year old daughter. Ok, complete honesty, we were inebriated and we both made fun of her. Dayda's daughter comes out of the house with a big bouncy ball, the kind with the handle and the most retarded looking bike helmet. Yeah, I said retarded, so what I am already going to hell. The daughter then bounces up and down the hall in front of Dayda and I, yelling at the top of her lungs "I'm a dork! I'm a dork!" I laughed, I cried, I couldn't make her stop. Only thing that would have topped it is if she was drooling.

For the final example for today of why I am going to hell...I feel sorry for peoples cars and shoes. Step this way, I have to give you a history lesson. My husband is a large man. Ok, frankly he's fat. Not, OMG, I am going to get squished large. More like, damn that man could hurt me seriously if he should happen to sneeze wrong. I married him at a time in my life when I drove a 1992 Hyndia Excel; A skate on steroids. THE MAN as he will be called here, weighed 360lbs and is 6'5". It was a clown car to him. I felt sorry for the car...That much load on one side must have been hell. Ok, that completes the history lesson, onward.

I saw a woman the other day. She was 6 of me in one ingeniously disguised floral tapestry. She was wearing mule tennis shoes. For those of your that are not "in the know" they are the most god awful thing in creation next to Anna Nicole Smith. I took one look at those shoes and thought, "I am so sorry that you were the chosen ones. If I could get you away from Mothra, I would. " I could hear the little Tom Hilfiger tag crying out. I could do nothing. That made me sad....For a minute. Then she got into her Geo Metro and drove away.

Definition of Lazy

(All of which I have done in the past week or plan do in the next week)

When you are 10 feet from the garbage can but it is too much effort to get up and throw the trash away.

When you have a garbage bag in your car but you throw it on the floor anyway.

You know there is something that you need to do but you can’t remember why.

When you forget something but retracing your steps is too much bother.

When you lock the house to go to work only to realize your cell phone is just inside the door, and you leave it.

The music that is playing on the radio is irritating but not enough for you to reach over 3 inches to change the channel.

When you will call your child out of the bathroom, across the house, to get you a soda that is less then 10 feet away.

There is something to eat in the house but you have to cook it, instead you decide to starve.

You are sleepy and need to go to bed but the bed is too far away, so you continue to watch TV.You teach your dog to fetch beer.

You teach your cat to fetch beer.

You daydream of trying to teach the ferret how to fetch beer.

There is a $5000 check in the mailbox outside but you would have to leave the recliner…..”nah, it will still be there later” you think.

There are 2 messages on your cell phone but the thought of pushing your access code in is tiring.

You daydream about exercising and lose weight. You lose weight. Tricky.

You put off using the restroom up to 4 hours because there is too much channel surfing to do.

When you search for the remote for over 15 minutes and the TV is 5 feet away.

What happens when quality control lacks...

Title: Moby dick
Auther: Herman Melville
Illistrator: Bob Harvy
I thought this book was good because there was a lot of action. Like when captin ahab got his leg maled into bits. And when. The wale lanched the boat 40 feet. In the air. There was a man named Ismale How went on edvenchers. And whenin the beging of the book., He was very very angry.
All of the people that helped make the story did great. I can think of 3 good resons why this book is so good. First reson is there s action. Secont reson is drama They bed third reson is the fiction a whale can’t blast a ship forty feet in the air.
I wonder what happened at the end of the book. I think that ahab lived for the rest of his life. I hope Ismale had a good life after what happened. And every bocy in the book was o.k.. that was a good book.
I like it so much tha it macks me cry this sroty is so cool. I love this book. It is the best book ever. I love this book like I love myself so I don’t like this book that much.
But it is still relly cool cause I like horror movies so I like this book because a lot of people die in the book. It was so funny I love the book. As I sead before I love the book. It is so fun to read.
And it is so funny to read. I love this book so much. And I just learned that captin ahab is only forty-eight. I can’t believe that ahab was only forty-eight. He looked a lot older than that. He was a very good captine and a very loyal person if I don’t say so m yself. This book is fun to read and write every time I write this book is so fun all the time. I can not get enough of this book I can not stand to watch what happened to the bout that got launched forty fee In the air. It was so cool to real And when that guy explayned what moby dick looked like. He has a harpoon stuck in the side of him. Which must have been from another sailer. He must have been big and stuff the captin must of new about that whales have a fewle insid them. And must of not knew about the smell that comes from a whale carcous. I love reathing this book good bye.

By the Kid

You are your Friends.

You might be a gamer if loosing your dice bag would be a serious financial blow.

You might be a gamer if you talk about your characters as if they are real people and none of your friends gets confused.

You might be a gamer if and then signed up en masse with all of you friends to play in games with game masters who you've known since high school.

You might be a gamer if you can consume your body weight in junk food in one gaming session.

You might be a gamer if you've been gaming for more than half of your life.

You might be a gamer if you own your own weight in gaming books.

Geek Quotes

"It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required." Winston Churchill

It is only when they go wrong that machines remind you how powerful they are. Clive James

The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people. Karl Marx

"Beware of computer programmers that carry screwdrivers." Leonard Brandwein

"To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer." Paul Ehrlich

“Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless.” Thomas Alva Edison


Should you be worried when your stalker leave a) Lotion, b) old IMac, c) $10 d) coupons for food at McDonald's, e) love note with big words.

Wailin' Willey

"I used to listen to Kenny G. when he was underground." Said with a completely straight face.

No Electric, boogey woogey!

I had a plan for my life, no really I did. By 23 years old I was going to own my own condo and I was going to have a real career. Well that didn’t pan out now did it? No, as I sit here at my cubical, forgetting that I am supposed to be taking calls. Damn, I do that so much now. It isn’t that I hate my job, it is that it is so damn unfulfilling. Typical day:
Wake up, hate the morning but I can’t handle the dogs nails on the woodlike floor, scratching and clawing to gain purchase on the sleek cheap surface. That in turn starts the other two mutts to moving. I still have 15 minutes to sleep but no, not gonna happen. I get up let the mutts off, remember to check the time to see if I have any time to lay down again, which most days I can get only comfortable enough to hate getting up again.

I let the dogs in. I am their master, I am the provider and it is my turn to serve the masses. I gather the dog bowls and prepare what I have deemed a health meal for them, knock-off moist food and a load of oats. It fills them up and they eat it. I would put a little can food in there but that isn’t an option. It isn’t that I don’t have the food, no I have that, no the real issue is we don’t have any electricity on.

So I get a call on Tuesday. “Jen, the power is off. The guy turned it off.” Shit, I think. Shit, I paid $400 to that so the new billing cycle hit and they turned it off. I am in Phoenix. It is an average of 100 degrees right now around 3pm every day. I have a 10 year old Akita/German Sheppard mix with a hip problem and some sort of not been washed in 8 years smell. This is not good. I go into crisis mode. I think of how much blood is in the human body and if is it is possible to sell that in the time needed to blow the electric company guy not to shut off the electric. I tell my very unemployed polish husband, at the time, I will figure it out and call the electric company.

I am not doing well at work, I see that I have some sick and vacation time left that haven’t been sucked away in other more vital mental health days.

Sidenote: You see, the average corporate employee will without a doubt maintain the minimum amount of work to maintain the maximum time of mental health days. I have done this for years. I wake up and think, “Self, could I be capable of blowing every person in tech support apart with just my stare.” And depending on the answer I will or will not dial the cell phone, which my sister is paying for because I am so screwed up, and call in to the trusty voicemail. I leave my name, supervisor and time. I try to sound sick but everyone getting the messages knows I am physcially fine but I would rather not do 7-10 in a state prison for capping their asses. Sorry for the vulgarities, if you don’t like it, you really need to look into a series of Christian Amish steamy romances. Or if that is not your preference there is a health selection of Quilting romances I stumbled upon at the library. Amazingly the bindings weren’t broken, I know….shocking.

So anyways, on with my plight…I gather the last of my meager vacation and sick and with the time I have wasted in the morning I am covered to not lose my job and still maintain dignity by not crying at work. Again. That day.

I run out of work to my 1992 Suzuki Swift. It has a hamster, I am convinced of it. It runs on Vodka and Hops. Right now, it is remeniscent of my sisters 1985 Grand Am with the broken motor mounts. For those of you that have been unforunate enough to appreciate the 250 horsepower vibrator, you understand that when I start this car it is with both a little pleasure but more pain. I lit my cigarette;

Oh get off me, I smoke get over it. I have nothing better in my life to do than to piss off the non-smokers. I find that I like to litter my butts everywhere just to piss you off. Kiss my butt you moronic self loathing bastards with your perfect pink lungs and your savings account full of unspent money. I could use that money you know. I could buy more cigarettes.

But I digress, onward the car rattles. Around the corners, the bald tires scream, I wonder sometimes if I will slide into another car or an unsuspecting duck but then I figure it would be protected by the insti-popcorn airbags. I get home and wouldn’t you know, the power is off, the Polish Sausage was right. I am still waiting for the power company to call me back on my cell but that wait could be another hour.

I lay down on the floor and cry. What, you expected a miracle, on no, not in this story. No real miracles except I can still laugh at this crap as it hits me.

As I write, I think back to when I was a kid. I used to love Harold and the Purple Crayon. He would take that crayon and draw his world. Nothing bad happened to Harold and he had everything at the tip of his fingers. Now here is my life, I had a purple crayon but it melted in the hot dry unforgiving Arizona sun. Purple puddles surround my life…..I sing Hendrix in my head. That thought will get me through a moment.

Time and again I come back to how my life became the shit storm that it is. I would have to say a series of stupid and unusual events led to this.


I have stalkers. I think it is like 3 right now that are active, the other is dormat, waiting.

I seem to attract 40 year old men that like to talk at me. Not to me, at me. Due to the fact I don't get a word in edgewise. I suffer through the pain, knowing that when they leave I can go back to surf the web or decontaminating myself. I image that they go back to their cube to pick out the perfect suitcase in which to put my body.

I think I would like a dark red one. One with nice soft sides. Rolling, for added comfort.

There is one guy, I will call him, One-Eye Willy. Ole One-Eye he likes my red hair. He makes sure I have food to eat and money for the vending machine. I am like the daughter that the State never allowed him to have.

He told me once, "I was up late last night, thinking about you. Are you ok?"

That convinced me, One-Eye wanted to dance with my Scarlett skin.

I told my co-workers, now I randomly have men walking up to me telling me they think of me late at night. It isn't right I tell you. Not right at all.

tech calls

They crack me up.

Me: Where is that area code of that problem? Mine is 706.

Him: Mine was 907, maybe it's near it.

Me: Honey, I don't think that Alaska and Atlanta are near each other.

Him: Well, it started with an A.

fourth batch

1. Tech Hot is defined and not hot in the real world but in a tech environment you are the hottest one.

2. How many techs does it take to move a computer? 3. Discuss.

3. Why, since marrying the PS (Polish Sausage), do I have a desire to address every Victor I meet as Wiktor?

4. Still have blackmail photo of tampon in guys nose saved.
5. I have a goat named after me in Hawaii.

third batch

1. Discovered my dogs SECRET WORD is Rock.

2. Married a Polish Sausage.

3. Watch as a apartment gate removes all traces of paint from my door to the end of the car, giggling.

4. Questioned: if you had a choice between being bald and constantly having a 5 inch fro that is bright orange, which would you choose and why?

5. How many ping pong balls can a woman fit in her vagina? How do you know that for a fact?

second batch

1. Convinced a co-worker that I was the daughter of a Polygomous family and my grandmother was an Irish Traveler.

2. Told collectors when I had my son to leave me alone because I “went to the hospital to have 3 babies and only came home with one.”

3. No one expects a Air Supply ballad.

4. Once removed 3 cats from a burned house and found the false teeth.

5. Coulrophobia + 250 various sized copies of pictures= 45 minutes and a nervous breakdown but years of joy.

first batch

1. I had a 4 foot shrine on my desk to a Coconut Monkey.

2. I had to drink Vodka to shave my cat.

3. I was drunk under the table by a 65 year old Polish woman.

4. I used to ask my Father repeatedly about being stationed in the Atlanic in the Korean War, just to annoy him.

5. Started 2 hour debate on the values of Cake or Pie.

Some topics

Writing has never been easy for me. Telling stories on the other hand, that I can do.

1. Here are a compalation of some of my favorite stories.

2. I conviced my son that City Bus Drivers’ were robots for over a year.

3. I got my son to mimic “I wanna go to the Black Market and make soccer balls and shoes.”

4. Had complete conversation on my son but only remember him saying, “Well, if you face wasn’t so jacked up, you wouldn’t have that problem.”

5. I arranged to get fired for April Fool’s Day with my boss.

Lets try this:

I have some stories and I was wondering which one you want to read.