My thought of the day:
Vanished: 'Chupacabra' walks away from Fiesta booth
Posted on April 21, 2010 at 4:41 PM
On display was a mummified chupacabra. Stevens charges $1.00 for the public to get a closeup look at what he claims is the only known chupacabra in the U.S.
But no more. Owner Brian Stevens says the special specimen has been stolen.
“I’ve owned the chupacabra for more than a year and my partner, David Walker had owned it for two years prior” said Stevens. “It’s one of three, and the other two are in Ensenada, Mexico where this one was purchased,” said Stevens.
Wednesday Stevens reported the theft to the San Antonio Police Department.
“We’ve contacted the owner of the other two chupacabras in Mexico and they are making arrangements to bring one on loan for the remainder of Fiesta,” said Stevens.
Stevens is offering a reward for the return of the remains.
Call SAPD if you have any information on the mysterious disappearance of this chupacabra. http://www.kens5.com/news/local/Fiesta-Mystery-Chupacabra-carcass-missing-91757639.html
I think i have one of those in my storage, it was called a Cat when it was alive. It could be a Chupacabra.
Hemp seeds are the most nutritious food known to man. One handful of hemp seeds a day is all an adult needs to survive and thrive.
For thousands of years hemp seeds have been a primary food source for people all over the world. Before it was banned in 1937, hemp seeds saved both China and Australia from famine during food shortages.
Politicians speak grandly about ending world hunger and teaching the people of the world to take care of themselves, but it is the politically driven War on Drugs that has taken the food from their mouths in the first place. The starving people of the world don't need IMF loans with political strings attached to end starvation and malnutrition in the Third World, they just need to be allowed to grow their own food and fuel.
Jamison said he is collecting disability, but it does not cover his monthly medical bills. He has a small life insurance policy, but said it's not much to leave to his wife.
"He had so much concern for his wife and how she was going to be able to handle this," said Dustin Remington, Jamison's longtime friend and owner of Terese's Place. "It was just an opportunity I was happy to be a part of." http://judasforgiven.blogspot.com/
I think he might regret the Trojan ad.
I can see it now, "Get a stiffy, like this guy here in the urn.....Trojan man!"
Ok time for a rant.
WTF! Like they don't have anything better to do than to crash into legal citizens on the freeway! How stupid and racist is that comment. I hate that they are making the hard working police force be ICE now. It isn’t fair and it is going to cause more tension in this already massively divided political state. I know that the voters want it but look at who those voters are. The old people. This is because young people don’t care until they are older and then have the audacity to get pissed that there is such a law.
Years ago, my mom told me about the vote to raise the drinking age from 18 to 21. This was a public vote and it passed. Do you really think if all the voters 18-21 voted that would have passed? It pisses me off that these same people bitch about how unfair the laws are….then do something about it you lazy ass slacker. Getting involved is great but at least vote before you start in on the complaints about the government.
I hate McCain; I think that he is a self-serving egotistical jerk that is nothing more than a puppet for his party. The already passed one little law in preparation for this massive political move. No one really understood what the ramifications were but here it is. The license plate frame obscuring any part of the ARIZONA portion of the plate will get you pulled over. Look around at the plates and you will see that it is normal for the holder to block certain portions of the plate. What pisses me off on this is if you are DWB (Driving While Brown) this gives the cops the right to pull you over, then they can hold you if you can’t prove that you are legal. Bullshit.
We have Meth problems here that is destroying our community and they are putzing around with immigrants. For the most part they just want to have a safe place to live and to raise their family. Kiss my ass about the medical crap and the border fence. What about all the illegal’s that you can pick out because they aren’t white? My husband was one of those. He is as white as can be but was technically “illegal”. Yet, due to him being white and not brown, he isn’t going to be looked at twice. Bullshit.
A 14-YEAR-OLD boy in southern Russia has been charged with killing his father with a sledgehammer after his parents tried to stop him from playing computer games.
"At around 1am (local time) on April 12, the suspect dealt his sleeping father at least two blows on the head with a sledgehammer," the region's investigative committee said.
After the killing, the boy's frightened mother gave him the keyboard back and the boy played computer games for several more hours until he fell asleep, the spokeswoman said.
In Soviet Russia, Game Play You.
"Were it me, I’d give the job to one of the applicants you won’t hear about in political circles: Cleve Lynch.
I don’t believe Lynch is a politician but he probably knows more about what it takes to be the county’s chief prosecutor than anybody else on the list, other than Romley and I'm not even sure Romley knows as much as Lynch.
Lynch has been a prosecutor in the office since 1973. He’s the guy who is the front lines every day, having put away hundreds of creeps, perverts, losers and murderers, ranging from the guy who put cyanide in the water cooler where his wife worked (killing her co-worker) to the pervert who raped and murdered an 8 year old on the city’s southwest side.
During his 37 years as a prosecutor, Lynch has won national and state awards for his work as a prosecutor."
So I’m guessing he has no chance at getting the job.
You're probably right.
Cannabis has long had an image problem, because of the extremely widespread use of “narcotic” cultivars as illegal intoxicants. The US Drug Enforcement Administration has the mandate of eliminating illicit and wild marijuana, which it does very well.
Those interested in establishing and developing legitimate industries based on fiber and oilseed applications have had to struggle against considerable opposition from many in the political and law enforcement arenas.
The United States National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) information web site on marijuana, which reflects a negative view of cannabis, is at www.nida.nih.gov/DrugPages/Marijuana.html, and reflects several basic fears:
(1) Growing Cannabis plants makes law enforcement more difficult, because of the need to ensure that all plants cultivated are legitimate;
(2) Utilization of legitimate Cannabis products makes it much more difficult to maintain the image of the illegitimate products as dangerous;
(3) Many in the movements backing development of hemp are doing so as a subterfuge to promote legalization of recreational use of marijuana; and
(4) THC (and perhaps other constituents) in Cannabis are so harmful that their presence in any amount in any material (food, medicine or even fiber product) represents a health hazard that is best dealt with by a total proscription. http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/ncnu02/v5-284.html
Hemp is pretty cool!
Quick Hemp Facts:
Majority of Leading Farming Organizations Now Support Hemp Farming in the U.S.
WASHINGTON, March 22 — The national, single-issue, non-profit advocacy group Vote Hemp applauds the new policy supporting industrial hemp adopted by delegates of the National Farmers Union (NFU) at its 108th annual convention in Rapid City, South Dakota last week. The policy urges the Obama administration and Congress to direct the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to differentiate between non-drug industrial hemp and marijuana and allow states to regulate hemp farming without requiring DEA permits. http://www.hemp.com/hemp/grow/
We have warned you here that Republicans in Arizona intend to run for office this fall on demonizing "Mex-cans" and anti-immigrant hysteria to distract your attention from the fact that the GOP Taliban is guilty of legislative malpractice and malfeasance in office. This legislature and governor are the worst failures in the history of Arizona. They are without equal.
Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas and his side-kick Sheriff Joe Arpaio have made Maricopa County the most dysfunctional county government anywhere outside of New Jersey. Everyone is investigating everyone else and suing each other.
Thomas and Arpaio have abused the justice system to bring politically motivated retaliatory legal actions against their political opponents as a Judge recently declared in dismissing one of these lawsuits. A federal grand jury is hearing testimony and the U.S. Justice Department is investigating abuse of the powers of their offices by Thomas and Arpaio. A previous Justice Department and FBI investigation into civil rights violations of Hispanic citizens and immigrants remains open, as I understand it.
There is a very real possibility that a federal grand jury indictment will be issued against Thomas and Arpaio before the primary election on August 24. Thomas' primary opponent, Tom Horne, himself no slouch at demonizing "Mex-cans" and engaging in anti-immigrant hysteria, should make hay of Thomas' legal troubles and his clear abuses of the justice system. http://www.blogforarizona.com/blog/2010/04/chutzpah-andrew-thomas-to-resign-to-run-for-attorney-general.html
"There was nothing there from the very beginning," Nicholas said. "It was political."
Lee Watkins, who owned Cactus Towing at the time of the raid, has a long history of political involvement that includes serving in the administration of then-Gov. Evan Mecham.
In the 2004 general election, Watkins supported former country-radio DJ W. Steven Martin, who was running against Arpaio as an independent in the sheriff's race.
A year after the raid, Watkins said, "I lost about 30 percent of the value of my business, all because of a guy I helped, and (Arpaio) turned on me."
Arpaio disputed Watkins' accusation, saying, "I don't do things for political reasons."
Nicholas said he has been contacted by U.S. Justice Department lawyers who are looking into claims of misconduct by Arpaio and the Sheriff's Office.
Arpaio faces multiple federal investigations, including a grand-jury investigation on abuse of power, a civil-rights investigation into claims of racial profiling and another by the U.S. Labor Department into claims that detention officers did not get enough overtime pay.
Nicholas said he did not have an extensive conversation with the Justice Department. "But," he said, "it certainly ties into a lot of the bogus investigations and frivolous indictments that have been going on," a reference to battles among Arpaio, his ally County Attorney Andrew Thomas, and numerous public officials and private individuals.
Notre Dame Football Hopeful, Drunk, Falls to His Death | ||
Matt James, a 17-year-old recruit for the Notre Dame football team, fell to his death from a hotel balcony Friday. Officials in Panama City say the it was a "tragic accident." Part of a group of approximately forty fellow St. Xavier students, as well as several parents, James was in Panama City celebrating his senior year spring break. He was on his room´s fifth floor balcony being "drunk and belligerent" and yelling at a balcony adjacent to his when he fell over the railing to his untimely demise, according to witnesses. |
A would-be saboteur arrested today at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland made the bizarre claim that he was from the future. Eloi Cole, a strangely dressed young man, said that he had travelled back in time to prevent the LHC from destroying the world.
The LHC successfully collided particles at record force earlier this week, a milestone Mr Cole was attempting to disrupt by stopping supplies of Mountain Dew to the experiment's vending machines. He also claimed responsibility for the infamous baguette sabotage in November last year.
Mr Cole was seized by Swiss police after CERN security guards spotted him rooting around in bins. He explained that he was looking for fuel for his 'time machine power unit', a device that resembled a kitchen blender.
Police said Mr Cole, who was wearing a bow tie and rather too much tweed for his age, would not reveal his country of origin. "Countries do not exist where I am from. The discovery of the Higgs boson led to limitless power, the elimination of poverty and Kit-Kats for everyone. It is a communist chocolate hellhole and I'm here to stop it ever happening."
"So what can the Golden State offer in the way of assistance? Something potentially valuable. In November, Californians will vote on a ballot initiative that would make it legal not only to use marijuana but to grow and sell it.
You may think this would help only by allowing Mexicans to flee northward and escape their troubles in a stoner fog. But it would do more. Mexico is the biggest supplier of cannabis to the United States. Control of that market is one of the things that Mexican drug cartels are willing to kill for.